Wisdom and software engineering

January 15, 2024

It's been a while since I read "The Intelligence Trap" — a nice book on
intelligence and wisdom with many facts about knowledge, four stages of
competence, how to teach children, how to learn, &c. More importantly it
encourages humility and explains how big ego / expertise might be harmful.
It certainly bootstraped some thought processes in my mind, getting me curious
in different topics — especially wisdom.

Afterwhile, I discovered John Vervaeke and his lecture course on wisdom
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLND1JCRq8Vuh3f0P5qjrSdb5eC1ZfZwWJ, which
raised an idea to reflect on software engineering, since it's something I know
better than other domains. Quoting John Vervaeke:

> Wisdom is an ecology of psychotechnologies. An ecology of styles that
dynamically—and that means reciprocally, in a reciprocal fashion—constrain
and optimize each other, such that there is an overall optimization,
enhancement of relevance realization. Relevance realization within inference,
within insight and intuition, the connection to implicit processing,
internalization, understanding, gnosis, transformation and aspiration. Wisdom
is an ecology of psychotechnologies and cognitive styles that dynamically
enhance relevance realization in inference, insight and intuition,
internalization, understanding, and gnosis, transformation, and aspiration.

I want to note and write down what kind of meta skills (psychotechnologies)
might be helpful in the following activities, representing the software
engineer's work:

- Coding;
- Code review;
- Release management;
- Communication & team performance;
- Problem solving;
- Self-management.

Most of them are well-covered in all sorts of educational materials, a couple
of links:

- https://www.kitchensoap.com/2012/10/25/on-being-a-senior-engineer/
- https://martinrue.com/my-engineering-axioms/

I won't write anything specific, just some general notes.

Writing code

Let's start with the basics — coding. I bet all programmers had a so called
the flow state (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_(psychology)) during the
programming session, when a person gets focused that doesn't notice how the
time passes. There is a list of qualities for a task to create the flow state.
More details are available in "Flow", by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

I will mention the ones we are interested in:

- The task should be competetive. Its complexity should be on par with the
person's skill level. If the task is too easy, it won't be competetive and
interesting. If it's too hard, it won't be possible to evolve;

- There should be a feedback loop.

The programming is great since it provides us a lot of interesting problems
and, what's more amazing, it has an extremely short feedback loop, not many
activies has are like that. And the loop could be shortened via more effective
tools improving the compiler speed, using better editor, IDE, more suitable
programming language, &c. Personally, I prefer Sublime Text & the compiler in
Terminal.app without LSP plugins because I feel myself more effective this way,
no matter how much time I invested in Vim/Emacs/&c. or other terminals.

I think it's important to be aware of this state. Because of it, I think,
we become programmers — we like to program. We like to work and build things,
to iterate, to see the results, edit, compile, edit, &c. I mentioned it in
https://ak3n.com/posts/on-short-lived-software.html, that this is what makes
programming interesting, not the result, which is almost always temporary.
What's even more important than to be aware of the flow state — the ability to
control it.

Meta skills

Of course, hard skills are important — that's why a person gets hired in first
place. Soft skills are important as well, without them they will get fired soon.
Meta skills, I suppose, come with experience over time — but unfortunately not
for everyone. They are usually taught by experienced engineers either in person
or via educational materials, and still might not be picked up by a person.

- Ego

  It's important to be humble not only for good communication and team work,
  but also because it helps at avoiding the expertise traps. When being an
  expert becomes a problem and a quick way to self-deception. That's why it's
  important to always be careful with personal experience — it might be
  irrelevant when a fresh look is required.

- Empathy

  Same thing as with Ego - being empathic is an important skill in human
  relationships. But also, it might be a good hard skill. I learned about it in
  the aforementioned Flow. It described an ability to identify with something
  non-working (a toaster for example) — "if I'm a toaster, where would I break"
  — this internalization approach might help to understand how something works
  and figure out the problem.

- Zooming out

  It's valuable to be conscious enough of spending too much time on some
  activity. There is no point in traversing the problem in depth if it's
  unclear if the assumption/way is valid. Unfortunately, even experienced
  engineers get into this trap quite regularly.

  It's valuable to be able to zoom out, reflect on the process and time-spending
  for overcoming the self-deception. I guess that's why the
  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique is popular. Same thing as a
  simple walking (also improving the mental health & thinking) and controled
  interruptions (uncontroled ones just break the flow state).

- Socratic method

  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pair_programming is a popular and wide-known
  technique to work together on a problem. Not only two expertises connect but,
  more importantly, two different perspectives allow to exchange understandings.

  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging provides similar benefits,
  where one person uses an object to talk to, getting a better understanding of
  the problem by formulating thoughts aloud. And also it's much cheaper than
  pairing, without distracting a coworker.

  The next step would be the internalization of the sage. Quoting Vervaeke again:

  > So we see across the traditions, the idea of internalizing the sage to
  create an inner dialogue that helps to coordinate the various centers, gets
  them to talk to each other. And I think this is something where cognitive
  science can actually give us tremendous help. We’ve had a lot of increase in
  our knowledge of the various/different areas of cognition, even different
  kinds of centers processing in the brain and how they work and how they’re
  operating and what we need is an internalized representation. A model. A role
  model and a role as a way of taking on a new identity, right? We need a role
  model for how we can engage in dialogue. and the proposal here – which is, of
  course, the platonic proposal we already saw – that if I can internalize my
  capacity and, developed by the Stoics, my capacity to interact with the sage,
  eventually I get that ability that I have only with the sage. I can have it
  with myself, within myself. And it means therefore that it becomes part of my
  metacognitive machinery, the way I dialogue with myself and get the various
  aspects of myself, the very centers to dialogue with each other.

  > That’s why wisdom is going to matter to all of this, right? So I practice
  indwelling the sage, right? And yet, people like, what would Socrates do?
  What would Aristotle do? What would Jesus do, right? And you have to
  regularly practice. So you practice indwelling and then you practice
  internalizing and you practice indwelling and then you practice internalizing.
  And that is how you basically start to afford the internalization of the sage
  and the creation of your ability, as Antisthenes said, what he learned from
  Socrates so long ago: to converse with yourself, to get, to enter into
  something like platonic dialogue with yourself.

  The idea is to develop a mental model, develop a psychotechnology, to be able
  to have an internal dialogue with it. And it shouldn't be limited only to the
  professional domain, it's also a very powerful thing for everyday life. A good
  demonstration of this approach from therapy is

- Relevance Realization

  One more extremely important skill that intersects with the others — it's an
  ability to know what's relevant at the moment (maybe it's more an attribute
  or a mental tool that's not under direct control). This helps to understand
  when to zoom out, to notice that something is wrong, this way or premise is
  incorrect and it's time to get back. This skill helps to maintain a proper
  discussion with coworkers, when people tend to speak about so many different
  things, diving into technical details that might be simply _irrelevant_ to
  the actual problem. It helps to write proper comments on reviews. Not to
  mention a hundred typos, but to pay attention at the correctness, performance,
  potential architecture problems. It helps to open proper PRs, without noisy
  refactoring, &c.

  Same happens with the ability to focus at will. Sometimes it's important to
  be _passionate_ (recently extremely hackneyed word), it's important to care
  about the code, to find it valuable and get into the flow state, but also
  it's important to be able to turn it off and throw the code away. It's all
  about context, trade-offs, and relevance. It's important to figure out the
  relevance and realize it. It also helps to understand what's a good problem.
  Good problem finding is an important skill and it's a matter of wisdom.


The listening to this lecture course was a long but life changing experience.
It's impossible to tell how many things I've learned and that's for sure that
I will go over it again at some point in the future with a fresh look.

Here, I've tried to briefly note the metaskills available for a software
engineer, how valuable they might be, and that they are not specific to the
software development. They are quite general and might be relevant in other
domains as well, including everyday life situations. Improving and working on
them helps to gather more insights and grow not only as a professional, but
also as a person.